Lala and Neha in San Francisco!

One fine May, my buddy Keyur (Lala) and Neha visited me in Berkeley. We rented a convertible and drove close to a 1000 miles in 3 days!

When in California, roll the top down.


Welcome to San Francisco...

Fasten your seatbelts,
Curvy roads ahead!
Yay traffic! Thank heavens Lala made an awesome music mix
Speaking of heavens... here's Carmel
Introducing... Shalin and Lala! (don't try this at home)
Miss Neha
Where to, Madam?
Look Ma... I'm retarded!
Sittin' around and shootin' the shit, what classes are we bunking now?
Sausalito ( a rare well-behaved picture of me)
This pretty much sums it up :p

On the streets of Sausalito

Alamo Park, San Francisco
Pretty City
Spreading love in the Castro
Ok, perhaps a little too much love to spread
Right before I jumped...
Yup, I jumped... Goodbye cruel world!
My buddy came after me because...
The love, it runs deep
I was not very happy about being saved
So I jumped again!
Miss Neha on the way to Big Sur
I'm going to enlarge this, frame it and hang it above my bed
It really is quite unbelievable
Our final destination, "Nepenthe"
Pacific Sunset
.... and thats why its called the Golden Gate
Not quite sure why my legs keep going over the windscreen
I am saved!!!
Drink before driving (strawberry frescas only)
He's quite the photographer!
Lala is to be credited for most of the pictures here

I cracked a joke, Lala only half got it.
Where the hell is MY girlfriend??
The Real End.